Monday, December 14, 2009


Horus was born to be king and when he wentto claim the thrown from his uncle Seth (who yousee in this image) the god of evil, the person who killed his brother
Osiris because he was going to be king. But anyway back to the point
when Horus went to claim the thrown Seth would not give it up and Horus wouldn't stop fighting for it theyargued and argued until
it led to a fight. To findout how the fight ends read my post "Is it Possible for an Eye to Break "

Friday, December 11, 2009

Other names, really ,no way ,how many?

Wedjat What in the world does that mean you may ask well that is another name for The Eye of Horus. After Horus got his moon eye back he announced the eye to be called Wedjat From there on. People did but people still call it Eye of Horus but some wedjat. It was meant to heal people and protect people from harm. Oh Oh Oh i want some maybe i can live FOREVER. HEHEHEHE JUST KIDDIN'.

Is it possible for an eye to break?

It is for horus. One night Horus was sleeping' in a field and Seth his uncle came and gouged the moon eye out of his head and flung as far away as he possibly could with all his might. Eveyone looked for but then eventually gave up except Thoth the moon god kept looking and FINALLY found it pieced it together and put a spell on it to fill I the cracks and took it back to Horus. Horus was so happy and the sky was thankfully lit up like it should be.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Horus as a God

Horus is like I said earlier the god of sky and living king of Egypt. He was believed
to appear in the skies every July in the form of Orion a constellation. Orion is known as the most impressive constalation in the sky When he appeared it caused the Nile to flood and then finally the crops would thankfully grow. So this is why the moon (Which is supposedly one of Horus's eyesand the sun is his other eye. That would be funny one eye is cool and one is like on fire. Hehehe) disappears about 10 days every month.

Person Or God?

Horus was a living king of Egypt and god of the sky. Probably the greatest job ever I mean you would be SO worshipped. He was the son of Osiris and Isis. He was born to be King, He was often shown as man with a falcon head and was known for flying high in the sky.
Horus shown as a falcon, lion with head of falcon or a sphinx. Who do you think is ALSO shown as a falcon resting the neck of a Pharaoh would spread his wings to either side of the Pharaohs head whispering guidance in his ear.

What type of bird reresnted Horus's head?

What was Horus born to be?

What is an area of strenght for this blog.

What is an area of improvment for this blog?